Milestones Achieved by KAT Solutions

Global Recognition (2013)

Earned acclaim for unparalleled scalability and exceptional delivery accuracy, handling millions of prepaid cards each month.

Industry Accolades (2016)

Secured the esteemed Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards for Best Retail & Supply Chain Management Solutions.

Global Recognition (2013)

Earned acclaim for unparalleled scalability and exceptional delivery accuracy, handling millions of prepaid cards each month.

Our Prestigious Awards

Global Recognition 2013

Earned acclaim for unparalleled scalability and exceptional delivery accuracy, handling millions of prepaid cards each month.

Industry Accolades 2016

Secured the esteemed Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards for Best Retail & Supply Chain Management Solutions, solidifying expertise in the field.

Accelerated Growth 2018

Signed a pivotal contract with Celcom Axiata, Malaysia, as the second client within 24 months of commercialization, affirming the success and rapid expansion of KAT Solutions.